Moosend Email Marketing Review 2023




In the world of digital marketing, effective email communication remains a top strategy for many businesses. Among the numerous platforms available, Moosend has consistently emerged as a frontrunner. This review provides a comprehensive 2023 analysis of Moosend’s email marketing tool.

Moosend Overview

What is Moosend?

Moosend is a powerful email marketing platform that competes strongly with other industry giants like MailChimp and GetResponse. It’s designed to simplify the process of creating and delivering marketing emails while offering a range of advanced features.

Key Features of Moosend

Email Campaign Creation

Moosend shines in its provision of user-friendly features, which include a drag-and-drop email creation system. This feature, combined with a choice of over 75 clean email templates, makes creating beautiful and engaging emails a breeze.


Marketing Automation

Automation is another major strength of Moosend, offering flexible triggers and filters for effective marketing workflows. This enables businesses to design and implement tailored email sequences that guide leads through their buying journey automatically.

Personalized Campaigns

Moosend supports the creation of personalized campaigns, a crucial feature in today’s marketing landscape. This enables businesses to tailor their email messages to individual customers, boosting engagement and increasing conversions.

Analytics and Reporting

Moosend includes real-time analytics and detailed reporting features that provide businesses with valuable insights into campaign performance. These analytics can guide future marketing strategies, optimizing for better engagement and conversion rates.


Moosend Strengths


Reviews repeatedly highlight Moosend’s user-friendly interface. Its simplicity makes it an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes, including small businesses and startups.

Affordable Pricing

With a Pro plan starting at just $9/month for 500 contacts, Moosend offers excellent value for businesses. Its pricing, coupled with its range of advanced features, makes it an appealing choice for businesses on a budget.


Robust Automation

The platform’s automation features are well-designed, providing flexible triggers and filters for successful marketing workflows. This ensures that your email marketing efforts are streamlined and efficient.

Excellent Customer Support

Moosend provides robust customer support, ensuring users can easily navigate and utilize the platform’s features. This support extends to live chat and a knowledge base.

Moosend Limitations

Limited Customization

While Moosend does offer a variety of customizable templates, it does suffer from limited customization options in the email editor. This can restrict some creative freedom when designing emails.

Limited Integrations

Although Moosend provides integration with various third-party platforms, the integrations list is considered limited. Therefore, businesses with specific integration needs may find this aspect of Moosend challenging.


Comparing Moosend with Other Tools

Moosend vs. AWeber

AWeber, a seasoned player in the field of email marketing, offers a suite of tools to help businesses streamline their email marketing campaigns. Its extensive library of templates and integrations stands out, providing more creative freedom and app connectivity to users. However, Moosend excels in terms of usability and automation capabilities. Moosend’s interface is more intuitive and easier to navigate, particularly for beginners or those with limited technical knowledge. Furthermore, AWeber’s pricing structure, while competitive, can become costly for businesses with large contact lists, while Moosend offers a simpler, more affordable pricing structure.



Moosend vs. ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is another strong contender in the email marketing space, particularly known for its powerful automation and CRM capabilities. It allows businesses to create highly personalized and targeted email campaigns with robust tracking and analytics tools. Yet, Moosend holds its ground, offering equally compelling automation features in a user-friendly package. Moosend’s segmentation and automation workflows are flexible and intuitive, making it easier for businesses to create and monitor their campaigns. Additionally, Moosend’s pricing is more attractive, especially for small businesses or those with a tight budget, making it a cost-effective alternative to ActiveCampaign.



Moosend vs ConvertKit

Moosend offers advanced automation tools for larger businesses, while ConvertKit’s user-friendly interface suits smaller enterprises and content creators, allowing users to choose based on their specific needs.



Moosend vs MailChimp

While both platforms offer similar features, Moosend’s competitive pricing and robust automation set it apart. However, MailChimp offers a more comprehensive site builder.


Moosend vs GetResponse

Both Moosend and GetResponse provide powerful automation and email creation features. However, GetResponse is recognized for its unique strengths and is considered a viable alternative.



Moosend vs MailerLite

Compared to MailerLite, Moosend offers advanced features for marketing automation, segmentation, and web tracking. However, MailerLite might offer a better deal for businesses looking for a more straightforward email marketing tool.



In conclusion, while all these platforms – MailChimp, GetResponse, Convertkit, MailerLite, AWeber, and ActiveCampaign – bring unique strengths to the table, Moosend’s combination of user-friendliness, robust features, and competitive pricing make it an attractive choice for businesses of all sizes.


FAQs -Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Moosend?

Moosend is an email marketing platform that allows businesses to create, automate, and track email campaigns. It offers a range of features, including A/B testing, real-time analytics, automation, and robust customer support.

Q: How does Moosend compare to MailChimp?

While both platforms offer similar features, Moosend’s competitive pricing and robust automation set it apart. However, MailChimp offers a more comprehensive site builder.

Q: Is Moosend more user-friendly than GetResponse?

Both Moosend and GetResponse provide powerful automation and email creation features. The user-friendly nature of a platform can be subjective and depends on the specific needs and familiarity of the user with the platform.

Q: How does Moosend’s automation capabilities compare with MailerLite?

Compared to MailerLite, Moosend offers advanced features for marketing automation, segmentation, and web tracking. However, MailerLite might offer a better deal for businesses looking for a more straightforward email marketing tool.

Q: Does ActiveCampaign offer more robust features compared to Moosend?

ActiveCampaign is known for its powerful automation and CRM capabilities, but Moosend offers equally compelling automation features in a user-friendly package and at a more attractive pricing point.

Q: How does AWeber’s pricing compare to Moosend’s?

While AWeber offers competitive pricing, it can become costly for businesses with large contact lists, whereas Moosend offers a simpler, more affordable pricing structure.

Q: How does Moosend’s pricing compare to other platforms?

Moosend’s pricing is competitive, offering great value for its extensive feature set. The platform even has a single Pro plan starting at $7/month for 500 contacts, making it a good option for small businesses.

Q: Does Moosend offer a free trial?

Yes, Moosend offers a 30-day free trial, which allows businesses to test out the platform’s features before committing to a paid plan.

Q: Can I create personalized campaigns with Moosend?

Yes, Moosend allows for the creation of personalized campaigns. You can also perform advanced segmentation and make use of automation features to enhance your campaigns.

Q: What are some alternatives to Moosend?

Some of the alternatives to Moosend include AWeber, ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, MailChimp, GetResponse, and MailerLite. Each of these platforms has its own unique strengths and features.

Q: What kind of customer support does Moosend provide?

Moosend provides customer support via live chat and a knowledge base. Users have praised the platform for its robust customer support.

Q: Does Moosend have a mobile app?

Yes, Moosend does provide a mobile app for easy campaign management. This feature allows you to monitor and manage your email marketing campaigns on the go.



Moosend is a robust email marketing tool that combines affordability, ease of use, and advanced features to help businesses drive successful email marketing campaigns. Despite minor limitations, Moosend’s competitive edge makes it a strong contender in the email marketing industry. Consider your specific needs and pricing preferences before choosing.

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